Friday 14 December 2012

Hello and Welcome to The Mad Mummy Musings !

Well, I’ve finally got my act together to write my first blog post for “The Mad Mummy Musings”. Christmas is just around the corner and having moved house about 2 weeks ago, I’m feeling a little bit immersed in chaos ! I’ve a huge list of “To Do’s” waving frantically at me including making some yummy chutneys and marmalade for pressies, but at the rate I’m going everyone including my kids will be lucky to get presents or be fed on the actual day itself if I don’t get my act together. This is not my nature. I’m normally super organised, a bit of a control freak actually if the truth be known, so this is uncomfortable territory for me. So let’s hope normality and sanity of sorts returns to my household soon !

In addition to all this family chaos, I’ve been blogging since October this year for my other blog, Sophia’s Choice, which has been great fun and I’m loving sharing information with like-minded people. The blog is gaining in popularity and I’ve been able to link up with lots of fabulous companies so far.

But I always wanted to write another blog about the ups and downs of being a Mum of 2 spirited girls, life in general, my passions; cooking, gardening, writing, nutrition and health, anything creative, music. The list goes on. I could end up boring the pants off you or you may actually enjoy my inane ramblings about life. I’m hoping it’s the latter.

Before becoming a Mummy, I had my own business as a holistic therapist. I gave treatments in Reflexology, several forms of Massage, Reiki (I also taught Reiki I & II courses) and I also trained as an Baby Massage Instructor. One of my passions has always been health and nutrition and this hasn’t waned. Since having my own children I am even more passionate about how we can make a difference to their lives by making worthwhile, conscious decisions for them and ourselves.

In 2005 I moved to Brittany, France where I lived with my husband for just short of 3 years. It was an eventful time with many highs and lows along the way. It was also where I had my first daughter. It wasn't planned that way, but that’s how the universe decided it was going to be. It came with its difficulties, which we’ll save for another post but I did return to the UK 3 years later able to speak French a hell of a lot better than when I arrived. One plus at least.

I now reside in the West Country with my long suffering hubby, our two beautiful girls aged 2 and 6, and two neurotic cats. There never seems to be a dull moment in our lives and there are times when I long for peace, calm and balance in my life. That’s what I’m striving for. The past 7 years have been rather like a roller-coaster and there have  been many times when I've just wanted to get off. However, live doesn't always agree, so I've just learnt that you have to hang on tight and try your best to enjoy the ride anyway.

Through this blog I hope to give you a piece of me; my loves, my dislikes, my thoughts on life, being a Mum. I’m hoping it will be a delicious mix of all sorts of interesting things. I love to chat with others so encourage you to comment and get involved. Sharing is so important especially since we seem to live our lives these days separated from loved ones and close friends. Connecting with like-minded people even if it is over the internet can be inspiring and uplifting.

Thanks for reading my first installment. Do pop back soon to see what else I have in store. If I don’t see you before I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a truly fabulous year ahead xx.

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